Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Great Bird Watching in Findley Lake

It's been a great ornithological month in Findley Lake. March 2nd had a very close view of a Pileated Woodpecker working the Beech trees on Shadyside (where it parallels Shadyside Extension). That was on a Sunday. The next day, we actually had one in the Crabapple tree out back (see photo with Robin). Then on March 8th, the Tundra Swans were on the frozen lake. They sat hunkered down in the middle of the lake. I think they usually head north during February and we don't see them much. As usual, when they show up, a bad storm isn't far behind. Sure enough, Sunday saw nasty weather arrive. However, it didn't dampen my feeling that Spring was just around the corner. After all, the Swans had arrived !!

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