Monday, December 28, 2009

Bald Eagles of Findley Lake

The last three weeks have provided numerous sightings of the two Bald Eagles that make Findley Lake their home. While the waters were still pretty open, you could see both Eagles (one smaller than the other) sitting on the trees on the big island. Now that the lake has mostly iced over, we have only been seeing one of the Eagles.

Yesterday morning, it landed in the trees on the small island, right off downtown Findley Lake. It sat there probably for 1/2 hour while crows dived at it. Undoubtedly there was also a lot of avian name calling. Eventually the Eagle lifted off, showing an admirable disdain for the squawking crows.

Today there was an even better show. We first glimpsed the Eagle as it flew from the lake, over Sunnyside and up towards the ridge, near the church camp. It swooped back over Sunnyside near Point of View cottage and flew up the lake to an area of open water just opposite Addie's Restaurant. It was just outstanding to watch this big bird swoop over the open circle of water, back and forth, braking and hovering, obviously with the intent of catching a meal. One of our party thought they saw something in the water, possibly a duck, but nothing surfaced while we slowly drove up Sunnyside. It was one of those "why didn't we bring the camera?" moments.

If you are traveling near Findley Lake, take a drive down Shadyside and up Sunnyside while watching the trees on the islands, open water areas, and trees along the lakeside near open water areas. The Bald Eagles of Findley Lake are thrilling to watch.

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