Saturday, August 7, 2010

Cheaters Piss On The Rural Community

I've thought about this all day today. Cheating, cheap community members can't find their way clear to pony up $5 to participate in the Community Yard Sale that was held today. It's the same every year. One year it was a Town Board member. For several years it's been a judicial clerk. Every year it's been people who like to benefit from the community organizing that is done to promote the event but can't pay a lousy $5 to help defray the advertising costs and be put on the map. I've got news for you low life's - everybody who joins or has a map knows who you are. You are talked about all over town. Yes, we are nice to your face but behind your back, we know that you cheated. Part of the "rural characteristic of the community" is that we care about our neighbors. Here's a suggestion. Next year care enough to sign up, pay your extremely modest $5 and get on the map. Quit being a deadbeat neighbor.