Saturday, January 12, 2008

Seed Catalogs are Arriving

Today started off with a little sun light and the smell of Spring in the air. Already I've received a glossy "Jung Quality Seeds" and a large "R. H. Shumway's Illustrated Garden Guide". It's hard to hold yourself in check when you can almost see the grass starting to grow. Here in Findley Lake, the proverbial January Thaw is just a teaser before the End of January Blizzard that seems to last until March finally leaves like a lamb. Perhaps a little Global Warming would be a good thing. I grew up where the rule of thumb was to have your peas planted by St. Patrick's Day. Here, we'd be digging through 2' of snow to do that most years. At the top of my list for purchases this year are Egyptian Walking Onions, also called Multiplier Onions. Friends in Hop Bottom PA had a huge section of the garden dedicated to these. In the spring, pull up the young ones for scallions. The Missus in Hop Bottom considered anything under 2" across as a scallion. During the summer the tops of the plants would form clusters of bulblets that look a little like tiny shallots. You can pickle or use these bulblets to make creamed onions. Sprinkle them on the ground and start new onion sets. My foray into growing them here has been unsuccessful, mostly because of poor site location. Whatever I do, I'm going to buy enough of these to get a decent bed started. Once established, you have a perpetual supply of scallions and onions. I see that Jung's has my favorite Zucchini, Aristocrat Hybrid. Stan's Garden Center also carries it. Try Johnny's Selected Seeds for varieties proven to grow well in our short seasons. Also this year, I'm tempted to try growing mushrooms outdoors. As usual, the biggest decision to make is "What Kind?" to grow. So many varieties with so many different characteristics. Gardening is a good way to learn life lessons. Good choices, hard work, a little luck, and your pantry and freezer are filled with home grown food to nourish body and soul during the gray days of winter.

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