Monday, June 24, 2013

CSA Week #1 - A Great Start

Sunday was the first pickup day for Post Apples CSA in my area.  It's always exciting to see what my bag of goodies contains and this week did not disappoint.  We received:
     Bok Choy (a nice modest sized head)
     Tatsoi (had to look this one up)
     Mustard Leaves
     Green Onions.

Lucky me, I'd been defrosting a fully cooked lobster and a steak for the husband.  The asparagus became my vegetable. I made a salad of raw kale and tatsoi, thinly sliced, to go with the steak.  Added some olive oil and massaged it into the greens.  Then added wine vinegar, garlic salt, a sprinkle of dried marjoram, chopped green onion, black pepper, and a spoonful of olive oil to complete the salad.  The flavors had plenty of time to meld while I cooked the steak.  Both of us thought our respective meals were excellent.

For Monday's lunch, I diced green onions and a leaf of the tatsoi into cottage cheese. Served with Wasa Sour Dough wafers, it made a tasty, low carb meal.  For supper  I made an Asian beef and bok choy stir fry and served it on previously cooked and frozen white rice. This meal used up the rest of the green onions and all of the bok choy.

Still to be consumed or frozen are the mustard leaves, most of the kale and most of the tatsoi. With pork chops and chicken breasts in the freezer, I have a good chance of finishing them up by Wednesday.

With the start of CSA season comes the clean out the fridge season. Those nutritious greens take up a lot of room so it's time to pitch the old and languishing items.

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